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what to wear

dress code

All students are expected to wear comfortable and stretchy clothing that they can move in safely. Dangling jewelry and accessories are discouraged as they can be dangerous.  Shoes designed for the class are recommended. Further specifics are in the class descriptions. 

things to know

Studio Policies

Students are expected to arrive a few minutes before class in order to be ready at class time. Tardiness over 10 minutes may result in a dancer not being allowed to participate. Cell phones are discouraged in the studio. No video or photography is permitted in the studio without permission of the teacher and any other students visible.  

what to do

Helpful hints

Bring a water bottle. We have a drinking fountain where you can refill it. 

Pack an extra pair of socks or tights in your bag when possible. 

For long hair, make sure it is secured away from your face, and pack extra hair supplies. 


what about


Is it a snowday?

If Seattle Public Schools are closed for inclement weather, Aspire will be closed for the day and cancel all classes as well. If Seattle Public Schools start late or on Saturdays, we will assess for the safety of our faculty, staff, and students and post on website and social media accounts as soon as possible. 



as pire:

verb, to direct one's hopes or ambitions toward achieving something 

Ki net ic:

adjective, relating to or resulting from motion


noun, the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination

11030 8th Ave NE, Seattle, WA |  |  Tel. 206-466-2258

Mail to: P.O. Box 75141, Seattle, WA 98175

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© 2025 by Aspire Kinetic Arts, LLC.  Homepage photo by BalletZaida. Additional performance photos by Marcia Davis and Gabriel Corey.

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